Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Indoor Air Pollution - Simple Solution

Incredibly, the air inside modern houses more polluted than five times higher than outdoor air. If you agree that you are up to ninety percent of our inner life, the term sick building syndrome explanations of the application. Outdoor air, unlike many occasions in pollutants such as tobacco smoke, snuff, snuff, pollen, mold, dust and pet hair to asthma and allergies are returned.

There are several symptoms that knowledge with a disease syndrome of construction are connected, including nasal congestion, watery eyes, itching, headache, lethargy, poor concentration and nausea. However, since many of these symptoms are similar to those of a cold, is not always easy to determine whether the air pollution indoors is the cause or if there is a kind of virus.

If you find that the symptoms disappear when you leave, you should be sources of indoor air, could see that the possible cause and want to get rid of them. As luck would have indoor air pollution is a hazard to health that you can do something.

Here are seven simple steps you can improve the air quality in your home.

Ideally, the smoking ban in public places, but it is not possible to try a place to stay limited. In our case, when friends or family visit was triggered by smoking or by the court or in the kitchen. If you installed a deduction in the kitchen, make sure it is, and that smokers are close enough to be sucked into the exhaust.

If you are cold or wind, we are a little air outside the open doors and windows from time to time. It also eliminates some of the pollutants that have accumulated in your home.

If you have time, the labels of cleaning products made for home study that includes most of them have a warning about how the chemicals hazardous to health or skin. Each time you use this product, which released water vapor in the bottle in the air. I started to cough frequently after spraying with clean water to fight the so-called anti-bacterial. Furthermore, as my cleanser at home is the natural choice for baking powder, baking soda, vinegar and lemon juice and pure. These are all non-toxic, environmental response to the cleaners, either alone or in combination.

While this may seem obvious to some, is regular vacuuming carpets and floors are widely applied in controlling allergens in the air and dust. One pointed out that 70% of house dust, the dead skin cells that people every day. The mites feed on skin flakes that fall from our bodies. Second, the development and their own skin, and this causes the presidency, allergic reactions in humans.

If you have a pet, there may be skin allergies and asthma flakes. Something to do if you think you or another family member are allergic to animal hair. Ideally it is best to keep the animals in the house, but it is rarely possible. On the other hand, treat the room limit are allowed for animals defined areas left the room.

If the weather where you live too wet or wet (heavy rain) know well how they increase the humidity in your home. This excessive moisture or humidness are ideal conditions for mold. For anyone with allergies, mold spores can cause several health problems such as dust in the air. Dehumidifiers can remove a blessing in a wet environment, and the ability to excess moisture from the air in order to maintain the shape and the resulting spores in the bay.

Air filter or air filter at home not say how to clean his name and the air of pollutants and allergens such as mold spores, pollen, cigarette smoke and animal dander. additionally used to reduce the concentrations of these pollutants in the air, especially useful for people with allergies and asthma attacks. Air filters and environmental quality of air is increasingly popular due to the indoor air healthier and cleaner